Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cool Thing: July 4th 2010 (and the day before)

I finally made it to Mexico. It's been a long time coming. I've attempted a couple of times but my plans of crossing that oh so lovable bored into TJ were always foiled. Not so this time! Some friends and myself headed down to Ensenada, Baja and La Bufadora. La Bufadora is this naturally occurring "geyser" on the coast. The trip was short, but we had a good time. We stuffed ourselves with fish tacos, saw a movie in Spanish, and slept in the most sketch place I've ever stayed! Seriously, La Delphin Hotel out did all the spots in Europe and Central America that I've slept at, as the most likely place to get a disease and/or killed. But hey, it was cheap. And anyone that knows me knows that I love a good deal.

Side note: One really funny thing that happened, the attendant at the dive-of-a-hotel was trying to split the four of us up into two different rooms but we were having it. He didn't understand why, because we were going to save money by doing so. Now, I don't speak a lick of Spanish, but as Derek was trying to explain to him why we want to be together, he felt the need to "reassure" the owner that we weren't "homosexuals." Probably the funniest reaction I've ever seen.

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